Sunday 2 February 2014

JK'S Hermione Bombshell - My Thoughts

In a recent interview for ‘Wonderland’ magazine (the interviewer being Emma Watson), JK Rowling admitted that her famous characters Hermione and Ron should never have ended up together, and went even further by saying that Hermione should have been with the protagonist himself: Harry Potter.

This was super cute, though...
Being a big Potterhead I immediately had many opinions on this, the first being that I do agree with half the idea. I never really believed in the Ron/Hermione relationship. To me, they just seemed too different and regularly got on each other’s nerves. Throughout the first few books (before Order of the Phoenix, I’d say), they were more like brother and sister, and that would have been something that I would have whole-heartedly shipped. Having said that, I did want them to get together by the end of the Deathly Hallows… just because it had been such a long wait, and I was faithful to the story.

This was adorable, too... but in a brother/sister way 
However, I disagree with the other half. Ron and Hermione weren’t quite right for each other, but Harry and Hermione were even further away from it. They are the definition of best friends: comforting each other, understanding, and simply being there (examples include Harry comforting Hermione when Ron leaves them in the Deathly Hallows, and Hermione constantly being worried when Harry is missing). They are the ultimate brother/sister type friends, and also, that pairing would have brought back the time-old tale of hero-gets-the-girl-and-sidekick-gets-no-one. #PoorRon
Speaking of, what effect would it have had on our favourite Weasley if his two best friends did get together? We all saw how he reacted when he thought something was going on (just look at that evil locket apparition in the Deathly Hallows). And, Harry might not have been the Boy Who Lived any longer had he left Ginny for Hermione (Ron can be a fiercely protective brother at times).

If I was the writer in control of the Potter characters, I would have done something different to JK. Harry and Ginny, in my opinion, were good for each other (weeelllll… the book Harry/Ginny at least). She was patient and supportive throughout the last couple of books, something that Harry would have needed given his circumstances. He and Cho never suited each other as well as these two.
Ron, I would pair with someone laid-back and motherly, who could stay calm during his common rants and tantrums (Hermione was not this person). However, there isn’t a character written by JK that leaps to mind who fits this persona and age group… the closest would be Hannah Abbott, Cho, or even Luna (that would have been hilarious).
Hermione is a tricky one. I think she would need someone to match her intelligence, but also be there to calm her panics about homework etc… (Ron kind of did do the second one, I guess). This mystery guy might even have troubles of his own, so that he and Hermione could understand each other. There is, in fact, one character who has popped into my head, but I really really really don’t want to admit it.

…Dare I say Draco?

P.S. I’m NOT a Dramione shipper. No way. It’s just after reading JK’s article, I can’t help but think that they might have worked, once the pure blood/mudblood ‘Romeo and Juliet’ family style feud was out of the way… possibly…

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