Sunday 9 February 2014

Did my heart love till now?

It’s that time of year again! The shops have heart-shaped boxes of dairy milk, bunches of red and pink flowers and rows upon rows of sickly sweet lovey-dovey cards with unoriginal, impersonal poems inside. Yep. It’s Valentine’s Day this week.

Valentine’s has never really bothered me before. Usually I just toddle through, shrugging with indifference if anyone asks me my opinion on it, and generally ignoring the whole affair. However, this year I feel different. I now live in a flat at uni with some really brilliant people, and I love them just as much as the friends I’ve known for years… but that means that when the day comes, I’m going to be around a good few couples gazing into each other’s eyes. Also, three of my best friends back home are in committed relationships (one recently engaged). Don’t get me wrong, that’s all good and fine, and I’m happy for them. It just reminds me of the fact that I’m not really anywhere near to having the same.

Not that it particularly worries me right now. There’s plenty of time for all that.
If you’re interested, on February 14 itself I will be surrounding myself with those (super-awesome) flatmates in the same boat as me, watching a couple of good movies that probably won’t be anything to do with romance/love/perfect couples (urgghhhhh).

Speaking of, when it’s not Valentine’s Day, I do like a good love story whether it be on the big screen, small screen or pages of a book. And, as I don’t want this post to be an entirely anti-Valentine’s one, I’ve ranked my favourite fictional couples (I like lists):

  1. Jack & Rose (Titanic)
  2. The Doctor & Rose (Doctor Who)
  3. Captain Jack & Ianto (Torchwood)
  4. Rapunzel & Flynn (Tangled)
  5. Amy & Rory (Doctor Who)
  6. Monica & Chandler (Friends)
  7. Sheldon & Amy (The Big Bang Theory)
  8. Forrest & Jenny (Forrest Gump)
  9. Romeo & Juliet (Romeo and Juliet)
  10. Belle & the Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
  11. Harry & Ginny (Harry Potter)
  12. The Doctor & River (Doctor Who)

These are susceptible to change at any given moment, except maybe for the top few… Jack & Rose are just beautiful, and the Doctor & Rose… weelllll… it’s the Doctor & Rose. Come on. If you’ve not seen them together, then DO IT NOW.
(If that has made you go watch the first 2 series of Who, then I apologise for inflicting Doomsday upon you…)

So, if you’re in a dedicated and beautiful relationship, then have a lovely Valentine’s Day with your lucky guy/girl. If you’re not, enjoy the cut-price chocolate from Saturday onwards, and look forward to the time when you’ll be one half of a couple on Valentine’s! ♥♥

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