Monday 17 March 2014

Flat Life (Boy Edition)

Living in a flat in uni halls with seven other people could be a difficult situation to struggle through, depending on that group of people. Fortunately, the super cool awesome amazing lot I live with are super cool, awesome and amazing, so we get on famously. Even in a small space with seven girls and one boy.

Some might take pity on our honorary big brother, but seriously, he gets dinner cooked for him, cleaned up after in the kitchen and he can actually tell his mates that he lives with seven (AH-MAZING!) girls... Yeah, he loves it ;) And despite the fact that he enters the kitchen saying "relax, females, I am here" (as he literally just did as I wrote this sentence) and takes pride in the fact that he set the whole block's fire alarm off making toast, we do kinda like our Jake.

I'll start with the cons of living with a boy, though. Number one, top of the list, is that they are so so sooooo annoying. Again, literally as I wrote these here words, he stole my slipper, made fun of my height (I'm really tiny) and sat on me so that I couldn't type (biting my hair simultaneously). They can also be pretty disgusting at times, for example showing you his mushed up food in his mouth, burping loudly and telling questionable stories, the most recent (about twenty minutes ago) being one about peeing and smoking at the same time. Lovely. 
One that might be unique to our boy is his cockiness, and I mean pushing the arrogant boundaries cocky. Another is his loudness in terms of his speakers and phone ringtone, which can be heard over the TV and on occasion, have been known to wake some of us up. Actually, the speakers wouldn't be that awful during the day if the music blasting from them wasn't so terrible. Some of it isn't too bad (the Kooks, for example), but honestly, the majority is just noise. This bad choice doesn't stop at music, however. Oh no. Movie selections in our flat take anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour or more because of those, shall we say, conflicts in opinion (let's be honest, who likes the Green Lantern but not the Dark Knight?)

Despite all these 'quirks', Jake does have good qualities, too. His big TV, for example, so that we can watch his awful choice in films with him almost every night. He's also pretty good at fixing computers and other tech, like the new iPad I bought today (he helped me find Snapchat on the App Store. Thanks love!) 
Because of his annoying and cocky traits, he can actually make us laugh quite a lot, particularly when bigging himself up or asking us kitchen questions (silly ones). He also dances like Miley Cyrus or an Inbetweener sometimes. That's always hilarious. 
But the best things about living with a boy, and just one rather that multiple boys, is that you get a lovely big brother who looks after you when you need it, helps you carry heavy things (sometimes :P), gives you really good hugs and teases you like there's no tomorrow. I'm told that's what a big brother is supposed to do, and Jake is certainly fulfilling that role. It's just one of the many things that makes our uni flat feel like home. 

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